123rd Anniversary Dinner

We hope you can join us for the Cathedral Club’s 123rd Anniversary Dinner, which will be held once again at the El Caribe in Brooklyn on Thursday, February 2, 2023, with the reception starting at 7 PM and the dinner program beginning at 8 PM. 

At this year’s dinner, we will be honoring Christopher McDonald, the Executive Director – Head of Facilities for JP Morgan Chase, and our principal speaker will be the Honorable Lee Zeldin, Former Member of Congress and 2022 Candidate for Governor of New York.

The standard ticket price remains at $300 per person, or $3,000 for a table of 10. Any person or organization that purchases a table of ten is entitled to have an ad from the parish on screen during the event, and also be listed on our website for 1 year.

You should be receiving your mailed invitations very soon.